Android app to decode NAVTEX marine transmissions     
Received for today’s broadcast, thanks to the op for the quick QSL!
Received for today’s broadcast, thanks to the op for the quick QSL!
Received in 56 days for a report emailed to feedback@hsk9.org and radiothailand@outlook.com (not sure which one did the trick)
A nice fold out QSL, along with a program schedule and history of the station.
Received in 55 days for a report mailed to 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904 along with $1 for return postage.
Received in 70 days for a report emailed to winb40th@yahoo.com
Received in 59 days. I emailed a report to radiodabanga@yahoo.com
Then on October 15, 2017 I emailed the report again to info@freepressunlimited.org
I got an email back from radiodabanga@gmail.com saying “Thank you for your reception report. A QSL card has been sent your way. Please, keep tuned in!”
So I am not sure which address is best, but there’s three to try!
Received in 22 days, along with a brochure about Radio Prague, and a small note pad. Submitted via website http://www.radio.cz/en/report
I received this eQSL and email for the transmitter test I heard from Woofferton this morning on 9650 kHz, starting at 1237 UTC on 16 November 2017:
Hi Chris,
Thank you for your report and I confirm the details are correct. These transmissions were to fault-find on a 250/300 kW sender at the UK HF transmitter station at Woofferton.
These duration of these tests can be variable as the engineers can sometimes need a long time to establish a fault or they may interrupt the test, make an adjustment and resume. This is particularly so if the fault is of an intermittent nature.
Babcock, Woofferton is the only remaining UK HF sender broadcast station and also is the only one with this transmission test audio and email address.
The audio is contained in a file play-out system and incorporates non-copyright music and voice announcements from one of the engineers, Martin 2E1EKX at the transmitter site.
Thanks for your interest.
Dave G4OYX,
(Retired) Senior Transmitter Engineer Woofferton 1982-2012.
Received in 46 days, along with a program schedule, small sticker, and 2017 laminated pocket calendar, for a report emailed to engl@rri.ro. This was the first reception report I sent out after starting to QSL SWBC stations again, after about 3 decades.
Received in 20 days for a report emailed to manager_thailand@tha.ibb.gov
I also sent a report directly to Radio Thailand, so it will be interesting to see if I get a QSL from them as well.
Received in 40 days for a report submitted online at http://www.wrmi.net/index.php/reception-report/